Bradley Hall Events in Greenfield, Indiana is a real historic gem! A feature that stands out to me is the stained glass windows and amazing lighting. Just as beautiful as the building the couple is AMAZING and truly in LOVE!

think my favorite parts of my wedding day was just being able to
spend time with friends and family. Your entire engagement you
spend so much time planning and stressing, so on my wedding day I
told myself that this is going to be one of the best days of my life and
even if every little detail doesn’t go as planned it will still be a
wonderful day. – Juliann

Advice from the bride
This day is not the end all be all!! Plan for this day, look forward to
this day, dream about this day, and love this day. But at the end of
this day you have a lifetime of marriage ahead of you. Focus just as
much if not more time planning on having a strong & successful
marriage then putting all your life and being into one day. Also, don’t
let little things throw you. Expect that a couple things might go wrong
but at the end of the day you are still going to be married and you are
still going to have a wonderful day. – Juliann
How did Heather Sherrill Photography do?
You guys did amazing!! It was so easy working with you all! I felt so
– Juliann and Wyatt
comfortable with you guys. The fact that we go through and plan
everything throughout the day with pictures and everything made the
day go so smoothly and that Heather was the one facilitating that
timeline took the pressure off of me to make sure everything was on
time and I really appreciated that! All in all, it was phenomenal!